How to homeschool on a budget

How to homeschool on a budget

Homeschooling on a budget is entirely possible with careful planning, resourcefulness, and a willingness to explore cost-effective options. Here are some tips to help you homeschool on a budget.

Homeschooling on a budget is entirely possible with careful planning, resourcefulness, and a willingness to explore cost-effective options. Here are some tips to help you homeschool on a budget:


Set a Realistic Budget

Start by determining how much you can afford to spend on homeschooling materials, resources, and activities. Having a clear budget will help you prioritize your spending and make informed decisions.


Utilize Free and Low-Cost Resources

Public Libraries:Libraries offer a wealth of free books, educational materials, and resources. Take advantage of their offerings for curriculum materials, research, and reading materials.Online Resources: There are numerous free educational websites, apps, and platforms that offer lessons, worksheets, and activities across various subjects.Open Educational Resources (OER): OER are freely accessible educational materials, including textbooks, videos, and interactive modules. Websites like Khan Academy, Coursera, and OpenStax offer a range of OER content.Educational YouTube Channels: Many creators produce high-quality educational content on YouTube, covering a wide range of topics.


Curriculum and Material Sharing

Connect with other homeschooling families in your community or online to share or exchange curriculum materials, textbooks, and resources.

Consider forming a homeschool co-op where families take turns teaching or organizing activities, reducing the overall cost.


Create Your Own Curriculum

Develop your own curriculum based on your child’s interests and learning style. This can save money and allow for a more personalized education.

Utilize free lesson plans and guidelines available online to structure your curriculum.


Borrow and Trade

Borrow or trade educational materials with friends, family, or local homeschooling groups to access a variety of resources without purchasing everything outright.


Use Secondhand Materials

Look for used books, workbooks, and educational resources at thrift stores, garage sales, online marketplaces, and book sales.

Join online homeschooling forums or social media groups where families buy, sell, or exchange materials.

But You Want to Know How to Fund all the
Cool Programs

Some states already have options such as Education Savings Accounts, Tax Credit Scholarships or Voucher programs and many states are introducing bills to
expand these programs.

Learn More


Embrace Nature and Real-World Learning

Nature walks, visits to local museums, science centers, and cultural events can provide valuable learning experiences at a low cost or even for free.

Incorporate practical life skills, DIY projects, and everyday activities as part of your curriculum.


Online Courses and Workshops

Many online platforms offer affordable courses and workshops for specific subjects or skills. Look for budget-friendly options that align with your child’s interests and needs.


Discounts and Deals

Take advantage of back-to-school sales, discounts, and promotions on educational materials and supplies.

Check if you qualify for educator discounts at stores that offer them.


Local Community Resources

Utilize local community centers, libraries, and cultural organizations that offer free or low-cost educational programs and events.

Remember that homeschooling doesn’t have to be expensive to be effective. Focus on providing a well-rounded and engaging learning experience for your child while making the most of the resources available to you. Flexibility, creativity, and a willingness to adapt will help you create a successful homeschooling experience on a budget.

Take resources from Mike Yates video

Youtube channels take channels from

Free and inexpensive Apps, games, schools and websites list: duolingo, miacademy, robox, ixl, yale, abc mouse, khan academy.